New 2021 Workshop – Computer Fundamentals
Due to demand, we developed our ‘Computer Fundamentals’ workshop and ran our first workshop as a closed group workshop, with great success! We are running our first open workshop on the 23 September 2021 from 9am to 3pm (if this date is too far away, let us know as we can either do as a one-on-one or if we get enough interest, we can open up another date sooner).
We are excited to bring you a new 6-hour workshop! It has been designed for those with little or no previous experience using a computer, who would like the opportunity to learn more and become a confident computer and Microsoft Windows user. You will walk away from this workshop feeling confident to navigate and customise Microsoft Windows, including how to use a pen drive, zip files and some of Windows favourite apps. Learn how to browse the internet using Chrome & Edge, including customising to become more efficient. Then finishing off the day learning the basics of our favourite Microsoft apps, Word, Excel & Outlook, and let’s not forget the most important part, good computer and internet security practices.
You will learn:
Logging on, sleep vs lock, restarting, powering off and basic problem solving with task manager when either not responding or locking up
How to use the keyboard and mouse
How to navigate and customise Windows, including
- Desktop
- Windows start
- File explorer
- Taskbar
- System tray
- Notifications
- Date & time
- Using a pen drive and zip files
- Short cuts
How to browse the internet, including:
- Customise Chrome/Edge
- Bookmarks/shortcuts
- Downloading & saving
How to use classic windows apps, such as:
- Calculator
- Snipping tool
Basics of Microsoft Applications, such as:
- Outlook – emails
- Word – word processing
- Excel - spreadsheeting
Good computer and internet security, with a handout
Includes lunch and refreshments, a PDF of shortcuts and a security handout
For more information and to book, click on this link: Computer Fundamentals | sass
If you have any questions about this workshop, please feel free to get in contact with us 03 577 7128 or