Page updated 19th August 2021 - 9:54am
We have put this page together for our clients so they have the resources they need in one place to help them and their business through this crisis and in particular the lock-down.
Sass is working 100% from home, and will continue to do so until we reach level one. Just a reminder to our clients, we are here to help you through this. Call us today if you need help. Call either your Account Manager or Accountant or if it's regarding HR, business continuity and cashflow forecasting contact Lisa.
Webinar - Going Digital, Efficiency, Mobility & Automation
Financial Support for Businesses
Wage Subsidy - click on this link to find out more
Resurgence Payment - click on this link to find out more
Click on this link for other financial support options from the government.
Small Business Cashflow (loan) Scheme Link
Webinar - Business Resilience & Continuity Through COVID-19
Applications for the SBCS loan have been extended until the end of 2023.
Webinar - Understanding & Improve Your Cashflow Through COVID-19
Video from Lisa & Kelly, pre lock-down on what to do to get your business through Covid-19
If Your Business is On Lock-Down; Our Tips to Work on Your Business
If your business is in total lock-down, I would use some of this time to work on the future good of your business. Maybe, you have struggled to 'work on' your business and now you can. Ideas are:
Strategic planning
Marketing planning
Scoping & developing new products or services
Creating or updating your budget/cashflow
Website updates or planning
Learning a new skill
Researching ways to streamline your business and make more lean
Researching/learning new software to help streamline/automate your business
Start thinking more innovative and maybe anticipate the changes to your industry once we are on the other side
Of course, spend time with your family, but maybe continuing a work type routine would be good for everyone to help feel a little normal. If you are going to work from home, setup that routine and talk with your family so they are aware and to not interrupt you.
Great Software When Working From Home
Video Meetings - Zoom is great for this and free for up to 40 minute meetings - https://zoom.us/ - or if you have MS Teams (as below), you can use this
Staff Group Chatting - If using Office365 you will have free use of Teams and is great for group chatting and even video chatting among the staff - https://teams.microsoft.com/downloads
Or, if you don't use Office365, then try out Slack as that is for free - https://slack.com/intl/en-nz/
Phone Scanning - If you need to scan documents from home, try out Office Lens - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.microsoft.office.officelens&hl=en